Mucuna Gigantea Rare Vine Seed, Ornamental Sea Bean Climber, Burny Bean

The Plant Attraction


Mucuna Gigantea
Also known as: The Burny Bean, Sea Bean

Mucuna is a genus of around 100 excepted species of large woody climbing vines of the family Fabacae, found worldwide in woodlands of tropical areas. This beautiful and rather hard to find Mucuna Gigantea can be found in Northern Australia, South Asia, Malaysia, and Western Pacific Islands, to name a few.

Large unique hanging flower pendants form in the colors of white, greenish white, to pale yellow. The long pods are covered with an itchy felt-like substance containing proteolylic enzyme Mucunain, hence the common name Burny bean. The large seeds are hard and very buoyant giving them the ability to stay fresh for long periods of time, and travel thousands of miles across water to wash up on foreign land, also giving it the name 'Sea Bean'.
Mucunas in general are used in herbalism and have a wide range of medicinal properties. Also used for cover crops, green manure, food, and ornamental purposes. Considered to be a perennial climber, as far as we know they are not cold hardy and will freeze.

This offer is for one large seed.