Delonix Elata Tree 5 Seeds, White Gulmohar Poinciana Bonsai

The Plant Attraction


Delonix Elata
Also known as: White Gulmohar, White Poinciana

This beautiful species can be found widespread in East Africa, Arabia and India. It is similar to Delonix decaryi and often confused to be the same. It appears the only noticeable difference is the seed and shape of the trunk.

It is a semi-deciduous tree with a spherical crown, growing to a height of 6-12 meters with drooping branches. Bark is ash grey and smooth. The leaves are alternate, bipinnate. Flowers are white to cream colored in the beginning, turning yellow with age. The upper petal is smaller and darker in color, almost circular, curled at the margins, 2.5 cm long. Long stamens are dark, hairy and provide a wonderful contrast in color.

It has several medicinal uses and does have reports of antioxidant, anti-arthritic, anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory activity. In India and China, the bark extract of this plant is considered as febrifuge and antiperiodic. The leaf and bark in the form of paste is used by local traditional medicinal practitioners to reduce inflammation and pain. Further research can reveal additional benefits of this tree.

It can tolerate heat and grows well in dry climatic zones. Suitable for growing in drought prone areas. Will grow well in rocky soils and hillsides. Salt or salinity tolerant. Recommended for creating shade. Sensitive to frost, USDA zone 9b and above. Can be container grown and makes for great bonsai.
Family Leguminosae, subfamily Caesalpiniaceae.

This offer is for 5 seeds.