SALE - Premium Tillandsia Air Plant Grab Bag & Fertilizer Packet - Set of 10, 20 or 30 - 40% Off

Air Plant Supply Co.

$38.82 $64.70

Save 40% on a set of 10, 20 or 30 Plants & 1 Year Fertilizer Pack

A mixed assortment of 10 medium and large tillandsia air plants. Perfect for craft projects, terrariums, driftwood and displays.

Size: Will range from about 3 to 10 inches tall

Note: The plant varieties will not be labeled and may not be 10 different varieties, they will come as a mixed batch. Plants may not arrive in bloom, however, we will do our best to select the best and most vibrant assortment of currently available air plants.

Our Favorite Seeds For Planting!